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Department of Mathematics

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022):
12-16 September 2022, Bayreuth, Germany

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Information for Remote Presentations

Default presentation mode

The default mode for remote presentations is a live presentation via Zoom. As a fallback solution, we strongly recommend that speakers also upload a pre-recorded video file of their talk

until Sunday, 4 September 2022.

This provides a fallback solution for the session chair if the network connection should be interrupted during your online presentation. Technical staff in the lecture or seminar room will assist with the presentation of your video on the conference laptop. Details on the uploading procedure were posted to all remote speakers at 9 August, details see below.
We emphasize that the uploaded video is only intended as a fallback solution. In order to guarantee a vivid conference experience, we encourage all speakers to give their talk as a live presentation. There will be no recordings of the online presentations.

Preparation for your remote presentation

We strongly recommend that you install and update the Zoom client on the device you are using for your presentation.

Please make sure your device has a good network connection. If available, an ethernet cable connection is preferable over a wireless connection.

Please enter the zoom session up to 20 minutes before the begin of the session, such that you can check the quality of your connection and resolve problems if needed. Check the chat and your email during the session, as the technical staff may use it to communicate with you.

Please make sure to have your audio control for your microphone ready for manual control, if the volume has to be adapted.

Video production and upload

Videos should not exceed the length of 20 min in order to allow time for Q&A after your talk. The length of the slot for the talk, questions, answers and change of speakers is 25 min.

Video upload

We provided emails with individual links and brief instructions for the upload of your remote talk to all registered remote speakers at 9 August (re-sent at 24 August due to technical problems).
If you have not received the email and the invitation link, since you switched to remote speaker after the first registration, please let us know by sending an email to mtns2022@uni-bayreuth.de .

We provided emails with individual links and brief instructions for the upload of your remote talk The email is sent from Kilian Pioch and has the subject similar to “Kilian Pioch has invited you to access an item (<Name of the session>)”. Please also check your spam folder. As indicated please self-register with the link for the upload. Thus, all remote speakers must register at the uploading platform “MyFiles” of the University of Bayreuth by creating a new account which is needed only for the upload.

The upload of video files is possible from 9 August until 4 September.

Please upload your video file in the corresponding folder which is shared for your session, i.e. a folder for contributed talks or one for each hybrid invited session (part). We advise you to use the following naming convention for your file:

(e.g., "Mo_AM_H20_5" as session id with the talk number in the session)
Please do not use special characters (e.g., accents, whitespaces, etc. in the filename).

The folder is usually empty and we will be automatically informed about your upload.
The video file can be updated until the deadline, we will be automatically notified about your update. You can overwrite your existing file if present. The video file will be shifted to an internal folder and will not be visible for other conference attendees.

Video format

To produce the video is up to you, our recommendation is to record a Zoom session showing your slides in the main window and you as the speaker in a smaller additional window. This automatically fulfills the most important requirements for a problem-free presentation.
A local recording in Zoom, i.e. your recording is saved on your local computer, can be produced with all Zoom accounts/subscriptions (only a cloud recording requires a paid account), see this article of the Zoom support.

If you use a different video recording software, please ensure that the following requirements for the video format are met:

  • maximal length of the video is 20 min
  • maximal file size 2 GB
  • mp4 container/file format
  • 1080p full HD with 16:9/widescreen aspect ratio, i.e., resolution 1920x1080
  • 25 - 30 fps
  • H264 Video (aac Audio)
  • target bitrate = data rate: <= 10 Mbit

Additional recording recommendations

Please check that you are a visible in a small window besides the presentation and the brightness of the lighting is sufficient. Try to avoid blending light sources (windows, lamps, ...).

Use the best available microphone that you have and speak in the direction of the microphone to ensure a good audio quality. Try to eliminate other noise sources.

Please check yourself the audio and video quality of your recording before uploading the video.

All of your materials must respect copyrights for all content: music, images, and videos.

Zoom rooms for online presentations

Links to Zoom sessions of hybrid sessions

Links to Zoom sessions for talks in hybrid invited or contributed sessions will be provided by email a few days before the conference. In the web page mentioned in this email, you will find one Zoom link for each lecture room. The web page will also contain a list of hybrid sessions – with names as in the technical programme – running in this lecture room.

General remarks to the Zoom sessions

In a hybrid sessions, all talks given via the laptop computer provided by the conference will be accessible remotely via the Zoom link. If speakers would use their own laptops, we could not guarantee that the live streaming will work properly.

Technical staff will assist the session chair and will allow your participation. Please note that there is no camera for showing the audience but there will be room microphones allowing the audience to ask questions. In some rooms a camera will additionally show the speaker.

(Updated: 7 September 2022)

Webmaster: Dr. Robert Baier

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