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Department of Mathematics

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022):
12-16 September 2022, Bayreuth, Germany

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How to reach Bayreuth by car

How to reach Bayreuth by car

Motorway and exits

3 main motorways to Bayreuth

2 main motorways to Bayreuth

main roads around the centre of Bayreuth

main roads around the centre of Bayreuth

roads leading to the campus of the university

roads leading to the campus of the university

Bayreuth is located in the northern part of Bavaria at the motorway A9, approximately 100 km northeast of Nuremberg (Nürnberg).

From the highway A9 take the exit "Bayreuth Süd" and follow the signs to "Universität" (see the map with the highway A9 and the map with the highway exit and the entry point for cars). After approx. 700 m in straight direction you turn to the right for the road "Universitätsstraße". Turn left at the traffic lights and enter the main access of the University of Bayreuth (in total about 1 km from the motorway exit).
The motorway exit "Bayreuth Süd" ([Bayreuth South]) is marked in the middle image as "BT-Süd".

Parking Lots

The parking lots "Parkplatz P3 - BGI" (P3) or "Parkplatz P4 - NW 2" (P4) are the closest to the building "Naturwissenschaften II" (NW 2) of the Department of Mathematics.

See also the campus plan of the university and our Google map with marked locations for the conference.

Traffic information

Please take into account that major motorways in Germany can be quite crowded and traffic jams are likely to happen during daytime due to a high traffic volume. This is especially true for the motorways A3, A7 or A9 which connect the airports to Bayreuth.

For traffic jams please check the main route starting

to the University of Bayreuth for warnings in Google maps. Alternatively, you may use information in German, e.g., by ADAC (mobility organisation) or Bayern 3 (Bavarian broadcasting organisation).

Webmaster: Dr. Robert Baier

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